
Blood is thicker than water. Thicker than water is your toxic nature. The poison you have learnt to love. The acid you have used to form relationships. The infection that is your thought process. The blight that collects within you poisons me too. Blood is thicker than water. So, I must endure as you are bloodContinue reading “Family”

The Rhetoric Intersection

It is at the intersection you will find out… what we are really made of. Whether you are willing to try another path. Are you willing to walk along the shrapnel infested path barefoot? What if it leads you to your goal? What about a path that gathers pain with each  delicate step? Imagine aContinue reading “The Rhetoric Intersection”

I need feminism

I need feminism because my mother expects me and my sister to be married to someone from the same background and heritage as my family. I need feminism because my mother believes if i see my friends often then it makes me look bad, she believes me seeing friends and socialising is bad. I need feminismContinue reading “I need feminism”