Our home

You shaped them Moulding my insecurities to your narrative You warped my expectations Reasonable expectations and they took another form. It was disguised as mending Fixing Building But the foundations you lay were sloppy. The communicative cement that binds each brick was laced in deceit and hidden truths. The bricks themselves were half hearted andContinue reading “Our home”


Blood is thicker than water. Thicker than water is your toxic nature. The poison you have learnt to love. The acid you have used to form relationships. The infection that is your thought process. The blight that collects within you poisons me too. Blood is thicker than water. So, I must endure as you are bloodContinue reading “Family”


Waiting for the day my insecurities won’t stop you from loving me.  My reactions to your actions hurt. And my depth lies in the learnt. My learnt actions My routines Of checking and updating your transparent existence on a platform of illusion. My heart shines when thinking of you then it flutters…  …fire works shootContinue reading “Fireworks “

Mental strength 

I’m on a journey  And I have not reached my destination.  Yet.

The arch in your back. 

What I have learnt and asked myself over the past few months: Racism never left our society’s and communities. People are dying over the differences rather than coming together because of their similarities. Humans have become greedy, selfish and self centred. The richest men and women in the world will not come together and useContinue reading “The arch in your back. “